
CI Justice is licensed in the United Kingdom and listed in its government directory under number 14959102 and is authorized to offer undergraduate programs under Nature of Business Act No. 85421 and postgraduate programs under Nature of Business Act No. 85422 in addition to providing educational support solutions under Act No. 85600 and patent agent activities invention and copyright; Other legal activities not classified elsewhere in accordance with Law No. 69109.

International Accreditation

CI Justice is accredited by ASAS EDUCATION Academic Support Accreditation Services in the United Kingdom. ASAS EDUCATION works to help students and professionals at the college or university access all electronic resources related to the specialization. It also provides the college or university with academic accreditation services and continuous solutions to develop curricula according to international quality standards.
ASAS EDUCATION is an organization authorized by the United Kingdom Government, with the legal authority to award assessments and references for academic qualifications from the United Kingdom and provides services to institutions of e-learning on a large scale and extensions of education by specialization.

International Partnership in Accreditation

CI Justice is a strategic partner with Solomon International University and has the right to coordinate with its academic affairs and benefit from all accreditation services provided by international accreditation bodies for Solomon International University, see the international accreditation page at Solomon International University.